Scholarship Program
Transform a child's life

There are 3 minority tribe areas near Da Nang where very poor children need scholarships:
Quang Ngai
A Luoi
In a very practical way, this scholarship helps children:
+ Pay the tuition fee for the full school year.
+ Buy essential school items like books, notebooks, pens and even a pair of shoes.
The scholarships are for poor and orphaned children living in remote mountainous areas in Vietnam. These are dry, poor and hard-to-work lands. They mostly live in conditions of lacking water, light, and food. Going to school barefoot is normal, but going to high school is rare.
This program not only helps these needy children have a better education to change their lives, but also brings light to their spirit and soul. It will also help local churches with more opportunities to share the Gospel and express God's love to many troubled, hopeless lives. It is good to help a child and his/her family improves both physically and spiritually for the better.
That's our mission and we need you!

For tribal communities, the need for assistance with food, water and education is a necessity because they are very poor. That need becomes even more urgent in remote mountainous areas, where Christians are persecuted by family members/others. They are ethnic minorities and lived mainly with the support and help of the local people. But since they believe in God, all supports were stopped and they faced many difficulties in daily living as well as school fees for their children.
Children there face the problem of having to drop out of school if they do not have money for school fees and other necessities for learning. Even so, they still do not deny their faith in Jesus. All the children we have met there loved going to school and they said they dream of continuing to go to school. Their tuition is not so high as in the city and they also don't have extra classes like other children but for their current situation the annual school fees, books and school supplies are too much for many of these families.
Many fathers have to leave the family to work far away to be able to send money back to support their wives and children. But their income is often still too low to keep the children in school.
HOPE Scholarship Profiles
This page is updated periodically as children are sponsored, and new children are added to our program.
Please bookmark & check back regularly.
Click on
a child's photo to learn more.
A new window
will open with the child's profile.
* Sponsorship pending
To sponsor a child, copy and paste his/her name into the application.
L.O.V.E.'s commitment to our sponsors and to the children and their families:
1. We will send progress reports twice a year and when special needs occur such as severe illness. 2. We will translate all correspondence between you and the child. 3. We will deliver letters, packages, etc. (many cannot receive mail at their homes).
We encourage sponsors to:
1. Be faithful in your financial commitment.
2. Build a relationship with the child/family:
a. For those who provide a scholarship we will have letters or emails to the child translated twice a year.
b. For those who sponsor a a child, children, or a family we will have letters or emails to the child translated once a month.
3. Send gifts for birthdays, Christmas, and Tet, when you can.
(Or send us the money and tell us what to buy...that is usually more cost effective.)