Our well-established and award winning programs include supporting children and families as they struggle to stay in school, providing very poor university students with housing support, helping children and families in remote mountain villages, as well as providing medical assistance in those area.

If every sponsor added $5 to their sponsorship donations, or if those who cannot afford to sponsor a child would commit to $5 - $10 monthly donations, we could continue to help many more children and families!
Please ask your church, Sunday School class, prayer circle, civic group, veterans group, or others to consider sponsoring one of our programs.
We are also in need of a vehicle to transport our team to the more remote areas we service.
Contact Us if you can help with this need.
* Other Needs *


$40 can provide eye exam & glasses for a child.
$70 will buy a gas stove...most cook over wood or charcoal, filling the
house with smoke.
$80 will buy a bicycle.
$50 - $70 to rent a small room.
$90 - $120 to rent a small room.
$150 - $200 to rent a 2-3 room house
$500 to dig a well
$5,000 - $10,000 will build a 300 sq. ft. house for a family of 3.
- add $1000 to enlarge for each additional 150 sq. ft.
- cost is about 50% higher in remote areas.
$120 - $150/month will sponsor a home for University Students.
$110 - $220/month will provide medical supplies to remote villages.
* All costs are subject to change. *