Welcome to Love Of Vietnam Expressed!

* Award winning programs

* Over 20 years of service

* Hundreds of children and families served

You can make a difference in a child's life for less than a dollar a day!

As a sponsor you . . .

* Show a child you care about them, not just by financial support, but by communicating with them (via email).
    - Our staff in Vietnam translates your letters and your sponsored child's.
*  Provide a child the education they need to change their future and lives forever.
    - By providing tuition and other educational needs.
*  Learn a lot about yourself and your child through the joy of giving a child hope and the opportunity to realize their dreams.

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L.O.V.E. is a registered non-profit organization in the U.S. and a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in Viet Nam who, for over 25 years now, is seeking to improve the lives of the poorest children and families in Da Nang, Quang Nam, and surrounding areas. We do this by providing better opportunities to poor families to complete their children’s education by providing school fees, extra classes to enrich their studies, and extra help when needed, as well as by providing better health and dental care and better nutrition. We serve by offering hope to those without hope, and encouragement to those who have given up.

We currently provide assistance to over 300 children through sponsorships and scholarships. This provides school fees, books, school supplies, clothes and food. Most are in elementary school and all are from very poor families. They are referred to L.O.V.E. by the schools, other NGO's, local governments, and local churches. Each child is monitored as to health, attendance, behavior, and effort

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Child/Family Sponsorship
In addition to providing a scholarship, funding provides for extra classes, medical insurance, dental care, school supplies, nutrition, clothing, and other needs. It also allows you to build a relationship with a child and family, become an extension of their family, and be an encourager and friend. You will follow the progress of the child and be able to communicate with the child and family.
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L.O.V.E provides homes for poor Christian students who come to Da Nang from families in the countryside. Here the students get free or reduced housing, Christian fellowship, and learn and grow in a Christian family setting and receive training by local churches to serve God. These houses are also open to non-Christians. Our sponsored students are both Christian and non-Christian.
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HOPE Scholarships

This is a scholarship for ethnic minority tribal children in very poor mountainous areas so that they can afford to pay tuition fees for one school year (this is a once/year donation).

The donor can help this child until he or she completes school or can donate to his/her tuition fees for one school year only.

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Medical Kits

We currently have our Medical Cabinets in four locations, and are funding them from our General Fund.
These are remote mountain villages with limited access to medical care. We train a local leader in the use of the supplies and resupply monthly (as funds allow).
To be able to continue this program, we need help from donors.

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include nutrition assistance, medical & dental care, and disaster relief.
These services are provided to very poor families, children, the elderly and the disabled.

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our calling

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. (1 John 3:16-18 NKJV)

our vision

To demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through our love for and service to the poor and needy, to give them hope not only in this lifetime but for all eternity (if we help them only for this life and not at least show them the “Door” to heaven, we have failed).

our mission

L.O.V.E. is a Christian relief organization that provides spiritual, physical and emotional support to Central Vietnam’s impoverished children, orphans, at-risk and special-needs children.

Click here to donate to L.O.V.E.
L.O.V.E. is a 501-c charity


If you live in Europe, please assist L.O.V.E. through our sister mission, Gemeinsam fuer Vietnams Kinder e.V.

This site last updated on October 17, 2024 @ 6:14 pm

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