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Love Of Vietnam Expressed


November 2022


We thank you, our dearest friends for always caring and praying for us during Noru storm! Thank God that we all are safe!


Our dearest friends, L.O.V.E. desire to give 100 food baskets of $25 including a blanket, a bag of rice, instant noodles and other necessary food to poor household in Da Nang on the upcoming Christmas 2022.

We hope that these baskets will help some of the needy people who have experienced many severe storms and floods in recent months in Da Nang city, where our office is located.

We wish to hand out the food gifts that have been raised in turn to needy families in areas in Da Nang city, starting from December, the season of love. It is estimated that there will be 12 areas in the city where people need these gifts during the winter.

The total fundraising cost for this program is $2500 with $25/a food gift. We hope to receive your contribution so that these gifts can reach the person in need at the right time.

Below are the pictures of the tropical depression that used to be Storm Son Ca that brought widespread and heavy rains in the past 2 days, October 13-14, causing an unprecedented historic flood in Da Nang.

The streets were shabby, cars and motorbikes dead engines were lying around. The entire city of Da Nang was deeply submerged in water. Many roads, residential areas flooded from 1 to 1.6 meters, the water flowed fast. Thousands of households were deeply flooded and hundreds of people had to call for help from the authorities.

Heartbroken at the great loss of thousands of households in the city, especially poor families whose houses, furniture, and vehicles have been damaged, L.O.V.E calls for helping hands from benefactors around the world to ease the hurt, bring comfort and material help to these families in the upcoming Christmas.  We will visit and give away essential food support to families in need and damaged in the storms and floods this year as soon as we receive your support.


At the beginning of September, We gave an additional support which helped the sponsored students who are studying at vocational schools in Da Nang city pay their initial tuition fees as we know it’d be a big burden and worry for these families at the beginning of a new school-year.

With an increase in tuition fees in the new school year, these supports are very practical and meaningful for poor students, helping their families to be somewhat less worried about study fees. The students can focus and complete their vocational training well to find a good job in the future.

Thanks to your generous help, our dear benefactors, many students do not have to drop out of school because of difficult circumstances, but continue to go to school and pursue their dreams.


Besides books and school supplies, means of transport to school are also very necessary for disadvantaged students at the beginning of the new school year.

That’s why on September 16, with the help of our dear sister G4kids and dear sponsors, we gave 12 bicycles to students in the sponsorship program in different areas in Danang.

Children in the central part of Danang came to the pointed bicycle shop to pick up their bicycles. Yet those living far from the center received bicycles at the ward near their place.

Children received bicycles in Hoa Bac ward.

Children in central areas came to the shop.




Duy Chinh

Thanh Nguyet

Ngoc Lan

Nhat Trang

The faces of the children were all happy. These are meaningful gifts for poor students, which encourages them to have more motivation to struggle to develop in their studies, and helps them have the means to go to school.

Thank you, our dear sister G4kids and dear sponsors, for these great gifts!


L.O.V.E. happily welcomed our 2 nice sponsors – Mr. Darius from Singapore and Mrs. Suong from Germany to visit Danang and their sponsored children in our program.

Mr. Darius and Hoang Hai’ family:

“I would love to take the family out somewhere when I come to visit them” said Mr. Darius the sponsor


“It rained hard the last few days even this morning, it rained before you two came. Our family almost could not sleep last night and kept praying  that (Ong Troi) God  would stop the rain so we could meet the sponsor and then together travel to Ba Na Hills and have a fun and happy day there” said the sponsored family


It seems Mr. Darius and his sponsored child – Hoang Hai and  family could not have a trip to Ba Na Hills, yet thankful that they all had a wonderful time, enjoyed fantastic games and had nice food together there.

Mrs. Suong and husband & Thuong and sister Tram:

Mrs. Suong is the first sponsor from G4kids visiting us after the pandemic. She is so caring and kind by bringing gifts from Germany to give her sponsored child – Thuong and celebrating Thuong’s birthday.




Mr Suong, her husband and Thuong had a short chat at L.O.V.E.  office

Let’s go to Asia Park!

With Thuong’s sister Tram and L.O.V.E. staff




Play games, ride Sun Wheel and celebrate birthday!!!

This may be a memorable day of Thuong because it was the first time that she had gone to Asia Park and have a warm birthday celebration with her sponsor.


Be blessed to receive extra gifts

Thanh Hien with
a laptop

How blessed Bao Ngoc is to receive a laptop, a USB and cash gift for school start from her dear sponsor! She can not express her joy, yet she is truly grateful.

Vy, An, Anh and Thuy chose for themselves a school backpack as a birthday gift.

Khai Huyen with
a birthday gift

Tuyet with a birthday gift

Van Hieu with
Mid-autumn gift

Bao Thi with nutrition support

Thanh Hien with
college fees

Binh and An with
a cash gift


School start cash gifts for Truc and brother

Pham Vinh with
a cash gift

(Luke 14:13-14 NIV)  But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

(Prov 31:8-9 NIV)  "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

God bless you for your prayers and financial support for the children!

Copyright © 2022, L.O.V.E., Inc. All rights reserved

This publication may be freely redistributed if copied in its entirety.

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