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Love Of Vietnam Expressed

 Helping the Poor & Needy

1 John 3:16-18 NKJV: By this, we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.


Official Newsletter of L.O.V.E.

July 2021


“Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.” – I Samuel 17:40

        David was facing the giant Goliath, a mighty warrior. Meanwhile, he was just a shepherd with a staff and stones in his hand. It was an unequal battle. David could have found himself a safe place to watch the battle. But he did not do so. He had moved forward with his staff and stones. The miracle was that the giant had fallen. That day, victory belonged to the people of God.

        Today, Goliath before us is a world full of upheavals: plagues, wars, moral decay, habitat destruction... It aggressively threatens human life, causing us to fear, falter and withdraw. Looking back, we see that what we have in our hands – a little energy, a little money, a little effort - like that dry staff, little stones, which are insignificant.

       And just like the way God used the dry staff, small stones in David's hand to bring great deliverance to an entire nation that was in danger of being oppressed and enslaved by the enemy. Somehow your sharing can also bring relief to the lives that are threatened by poverty, disease and ignorance out there; to share and to give them hope in this life time and for enternity.

The dry staff and those little stones can be found everywhere, but where to find people like the shepherd David. This world doesn’t lack such little things to share, the world just needs more David.

                                                                                           - Mr. Phuc Sinh-


Dear all Sponsorsour David of poor and needy Vietnamese children,

 LOVE would take this chance to send our deepest thanks to you all for keeping standing by LOVE and give your helping hands to many Vietnamese children.

Another school year has passed and we are delighted to see all the poor children who are being sponsored completed the last school year so well. All of this has happened because of your hearts, helps and encouragements.

We at LOVE  pray that you will continue to support us and children in the next days. Together we can do valuable and meaningful things for Vietnamsees poor children's lives. Thank You!” 


LOVE/G4kids provided food support to families who are especially difficult during the city's lockdown situation.

Some families come to the office to get support

Several other families were visited

Letters, parcels and birthday gifts are always meaningful gifts to make our children happy (Left to right: Huy, Khoa and Uyen)

Hieu smiles brightly at the new bike from her sponsor

Chung Tuyet Linh’s family (the mother have raised 3 children in school) received birthday gift and a new fan.

Phuong Thuy received medical support for her mother with cancer

The sponsor supported Viet Nghia's house with 2 piglets to increase the family's income by raising and selling them

In June we are happy to have 2 new sponsored children. The college student girl Hmal Nie and the high school boy Ngo Van Duc with their first sponsorships

*** In the pictures above and below, you will see some children wearing masks, others not wearing, and some group photos. Please understand that it depends on when or where we meet the children. In last June, there were 2 times the lockdown took place because of Covid and was lifted. Now, the city is in lockdown again.


“Say goodbye” meeting

For students who have completed the education way

and started a new journey

These just graduated students, over the many years of sponsorship, had been receiving the seeds from L.O.V.E which were the monthly stipend, the monthly caring, the monthly guidance, the monthly letters and above all the truly love from their sponsors and staffs

On 16th June,  L.O.V.E  happily celebrated the Fly with LOVE to remind them how blessed they are, to say goodbye to them, to wish them the best for their future life. Seven of the 15 invited students, including those who graduated 2 months ago, will graduate this month or in the coming months, were able to attend their last meeting. Others were unable to come because they had been in their hometown and could not return to Da Nang due to the epidemic situation.

Everything was ready for the meeting

The students watched a video with pictures of them from the very first days of receiving the sponsorship until now

Watching the video, we and students can't help but be excited because there have been so many changes. There must be changes because these children have received help from a few years to even 10 years.

We had some games, little talking, sharing  and advices for the student. After that, they received their last sponsorship.

In the first days of receiving help, they were still small, thin  and shy. But now, look how mature and confident they are!

They were children who faced many difficulties in life. Each child's situation was different and needed help. But those difficulties could not stop them from moving forward.  Let's see them as challenges that make us strong!

Thank you to the sponsors who have been with them over the years. You are like the second fathers and mothers of them, experiencing the joys and sorrows with them, witnessing their growth. What you have done for them is immeasurable.

After all, life is a long journey consisting of days of meeting and parting. Although we know that there are still many difficulties ahead of them, we hope that they can face them strongly!

 And we do hope those love seeds will grow and multiply in good soil.  Goodbye! Wish you all come out with smiling faces, be more confident and fly with love!

(Luke 14:13-14 NIV)  But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

(Prov 31:8-9 NIV)  "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

God bless you for your prayers and financial support for the children!


Copyright © 2021, L.O.V.E., Inc. All rights reserved

This publication may be freely redistributed if copied in its entirety.

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