Please Sponsor Me! | |
Birthday: July 16, 2017 |
Gender: Male |
School Level: Grade 5 |
Favorite Subject: Math |
Favorite activity: Lego building |
Father: Unemployed |
Mother: Passed away | |
Number of Siblings: 1 |
Children in School: 2 |
Le Thien Bao |
Family Income: $0/mo. |
MY FAMILY: My mother passed away three months ago after a three-year battle with cancer. My father used to work in an industrial zone, but as my mother’s health deteriorated, he had to take time off to care for her. Eventually, he was let go for taking too many days off. Now, he is unemployed and struggling to find work, yet he's determined to support us, keep us in school, and cover the rent. Currently, we’re relying on the insurance money my mother left behind, but it's quickly running out. My father is deeply worried about our future. |
MY STUDY: I am in grade 5 and love Math the most. I earned an above average in the last school year. Both my younger brother and I enjoy going to school, where we get to learn so many new things. However, given the current circumstances, continuing our studies has become uncertain, and we would be heartbroken if we had to stop halfway. Therefore, I kindly ask for your support to help us continue our education and ease my father’s burden. I am truly grateful for your consideration. |
Family Members:
L.O.V.E.'s Note: A family sponsorship is highly recommended. |
10/2024 |